Big Data Hadoop
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Reviews 4.8 ratings out of 5 from 638 candidates for class room and online Big Data Hadoop training in Bengaluru.
For course fees, duration and batches call 9343565658 / 8073922743
Course Contents
- Understanding Big Data and Hadoop
- Intro to Big Data
- Limitations and Solutions of existing Data Analytics Architecture
- Hadoop Features
- Hadoop Ecosystem
- Hadoop 2.x core components
- Hadoop Storage: HDFS
- Hadoop Processing: MapReduce Framework
- Anatomy of File Write and Read
- Rack Awareness.
- Hadoop Architecture and HDFS
- Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture – Federation and High Availability
- Hadoop Cluster Modes
- Common Hadoop Shell Commands
- Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files
- Password-Less SSH
- MapReduce Job Execution
- MapReduce Job Execution
- MapReduce Job Execution
- MapReduce Use Cases
- Hadoop 2.x MapReduce Architecture
- Hadoop 2.x MapReduce Components
- YARN MR Application Execution Flow
- YARN Workflow
- Hadoop MapReduce Framework – II
- Input Splits and HDFS Blocks
- MapReduce Job Submission Flow
- MapReduce: Combiner & Partitioner
- Advance MapReduce
- Counters
- Distributed Cache
- MR unit
- Reduce Join
- Custom Input Format
- Sequence Input Format
- Pig
- About Pig
- MapReduce Vs. Pig
- Pig Use Cases
- Programming Structure in Pig
- Pig Latin Program
- Data Models in Pig
- Pig Latin commands: Relational Operators, File Loaders, Group Operator, COGROUP Operator, Joins and COGROUP, Union, Diagnostic Operators, Pig UDF, Pig Data Types.
- Hive
- Hive Background
- Hive Use Case
- Hive Vs. Pig
- Hive Architecture and Components
- Metastore in Hive
- Limitations of Hive
- Comparison with Traditional Database
- Hive Data Types and Data Models, Partitions and Buckets,
- Hive Tables(Managed Tables and External Tables)
- Importing Data
- Querying Data
- Managing Outputs
- Hive Script
- Hive UDF
- HBase
- Introduction to NoSQL Databases and HBase
- HBase v/s RDBMS
- HBase Components
- HBase Architecture
- HBase Cluster Deployment
- HBase Data Model
- HBase Shell
- HBase Client API
- Data Loading Techniques
- Filters in HBase
- Oozie
- Flume and Sqoop
- Oozie
- Oozie Components
- Oozie Workflow
- Scheduling with Oozie
- Oozie Commands
- Oozie Web Console
- Misc. (Just an introduction)
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Introduction to Tableau
- Additional Topics covered (about 80% of Admin)
- Hadoop Version 1.0
- Installation of VMWare with Linux
- Installation of MapReduce
- Installation of JDK, with Eclipse
- Installation of Sqoop
- Installation of Flume
- Installation of Hive
- Installation of Pig
- Hadoop Version 2.0
- Cloudera VMWare where Hadoop Eco system is preinstalled
# 2948 E, 1st floor, Maruthi Arcade, Service Road, Above Karnataka Bank, Opp Maruthi Mandir, Vijayanagar, Bengaluru,
Karnataka - 560040
# 7, 2nd floor, BTM 2nd stage,
Above James bond dry cleaner, near water tank bus stop,
Karnataka - 560076